Pokémon Red Version

Pokémon Red spolu s Pokémon Green sú prvé videohry zo série hier Pokémon. Sú prvými párovými verziami generácie I. Vyvíjané v priebehu niekoľkých rokov, Red a Green stanovili niekoľko štandardov pre neskoršie hry a pokračovania Pokémonov. Odohrávajú sa v regióne Kanto, pričom hráč musí nazbierať osem odznakov Gym, aby sa stal šampiónom Pokémonov, a zároveň skompletizovať Pokédex nazbieraním všetkých 151 Pokémonov.
Game Boy - 31.12.1998
Nintendo 3DS - 27.2.2016
The player character starts out in Pallet Town. When the player character tries to leave the town without a Pokémon of their own, they are stopped in the nick of time by Professor Oak, who invites them to his lab. There, he gives them a Pokémon of their own and a Pokédex, telling them about his dream to make a complete guide on every Pokémon in the world. After the player character battles their rival and leaves the lab, they are entitled to win every Gym Badge, compete in the Pokémon League, and fulfill Oak's dream by catching every Pokémon.